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Document Replacements

Document Replacements

Authentication of Degree Certificate Request

Authentication of Degree Certificate Request


An authenticated copy of your degree certificate is a copy of your degree certificate with a printed statement confirming that it is a true copy of the original certificate. We then sign and stamp it with the University stamp. Once this document has been purchased you will need to forward a scanned copy of your degree certificate along with your Order Number and Full Name as soon as you have paid to: csao@kent.ac.uk.  Please do not purchase this document until your are able to do this or your request will not be processed.

Standard Delivery: Orders will be dispatched by Royal Mail standard postal delivery (second class or international standard).

Special Delivery: Orders will be dispatched by Royal Mail Special Delivery, International Tracked and/or International Signed for. The delivery amount charged at the checkout stage is dependent upon your delivery address.

Scanned documents: Once the order is complete, your scanned documents will be sent password protected. The password will be your date of birth in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY, for example, if the date of birth is 6th February 1990 then it would be 06/02/1990.

If you have requested your documents to be sent to a third party, these will also be password protected. It will be your responsibility to share this information with them, we will not confirm your date of birth.

Privacy Policy:

To process your order, the Student Record Administration Office will need to request and record some details about you such as your name, study details, address, email and phone number. This is so we can locate your record and process your request. In certain circumstances, we may need to share your personal data with the Quality Assurance Compliance Office and Congregations team in order to locate your full academic record. Your details will be held in accordance with our document retention and archiving policy. The details of your bank card will be stored securely on the Online Store supplier's (WPM) database - WPM privacy policy.

For further information about how student data is used at Kent please see the Student Enrolment Privacy Notice

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Status Letter

Status Letter


A Status Letter confirms your full name (as noted on your student record), date of birth, course title, registration date, completion date, degree classification (if applicable) and graduation date (if applicable). It will also state that the course was taught in English.

Standard Delivery: Orders will be dispatched by Royal Mail standard postal delivery (second class or international standard).

Special Delivery: Orders will be dispatched by Royal Mail standard postal delivery (second class or international standard). 


Once the order is complete, your scanned documents will be sent password protected. The password will be your date of birth in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY, for example, if the date of birth is 6th February 1990 then it would be 06/02/1990.

If you have requested your documents to be sent to a third party, these will also be password protected. It will be your responsibility to share this information with them, we will not confirm your date of birth.

Privacy Policy:

To process your order the Student Record Administration Office will need to request and record some details about you – such as your name, study details, address, email and phone number. This is so we can locate your record and process your request accordingly. In certain circumstances, we may need to share your personal data with the Quality Assurance Office and Congregations team in order to locate your full academic record. Your details will be held in accordance with our Retention Policy, available here. The details of your bank card will be stored securely on the Online Store supplier's (WPM) database. WPM's Privacy Statement on the Online Store, is at:


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Transcripts are an official record of a student's academic achievement while studying at the University and include a breakdown of all modules taken and results attained for a specific course.

Transcripts can ONLY be ordered by alumni. Third parties CANNOT purchase transcripts

Important note: If you attended the University of Kent prior to 1995, please email csao@kent.ac.uk with your full name (at the time of study), your date of birth, approximate dates of attendance and your course title before completing the online transcript application form. This is so that we can check that we still hold marks for you in our archives prior to you making payment.

Additional forms: If you have any forms that need to be sent with your transcript (eg LSAC or WES forms), please make a note of this in the additional information box on the questionnaire screen prior purchase and email a copy to csao@kent.ac.uk, including your order number and full name as soon as you have paid.

Standard Delivery: Orders will be dispatched by Royal Mail standard postal delivery (second class or international standard).

Special Delivery: Orders will be dispatched by Royal Mail Special Delivery, International Tracked and/or International Signed for. The delivery amount charged at the checkout stage is dependent upon your delivery address.

Scanned documents: Once the order is complete, your scanned documents will be sent password protected. The password will be your date of birth in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY, for example, if the date of birth is 6th February 1990 then it would be 06/02/1990.

If you have requested your documents to be sent to a third party, these will also be password protected. It will be your responsibility to share this information with them, we will not confirm your date of birth.


Privacy Policy:

To process your order, the Student Record Administration Office will need to request and record some details about you such as your name, study details, address, email and phone number. This is so we can locate your record and process your request. In certain circumstances, we may need to share your personal data with the Quality Assurance Compliance Office and Congregations team in order to locate your full academic record. Your details will be held in accordance with our document retention and archiving policy. The details of your bank card will be stored securely on the Online Store supplier's (WPM) database - WPM privacy policy.

For further information about how student data is used at Kent please see the Student Enrolment Privacy Notice

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Sample degree certificate

Replacement Degree Certificate



A Replacement Degree Certificate may be requested if the original has been lost or destroyed (this is because there can only ever be one Degree Certificate in circulation at any one time).

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