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Lost Card Replacement

Lost Card Replacement

Example KentOne card

Lost KentOne Student ID Cards



If you are a current student and have lost your KentOne student ID card, you can order a replacement KentOne card. If you are a distance learner, your new card will be posted to your term time address on KentVision and you will receive an email to confirm when it has been posted.

If you are not a distance learner, your card will be available to collect from Nexus in Templeman library (Canterbury students) and M0-10 Medway building (Medway students). You will be emailed when it is ready to collect.

******Replacement ID cards can ONLY be ordered by students. Third parties CANNOT purchase ID cards. *****
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Sample KMMS Card

Lost KMMS Student ID Cards



If you are a current Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS) student and have lost your KMMS student ID card, you can order a replacement card. Your new card will be posted to the address given in your order form.

******Replacement ID cards can ONLY be ordered by students. Third parties CANNOT purchase ID cards.********

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