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Supply of images

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Special Collections & Archives, including the British Cartoon Archive, does not generally hold copyright on the images in its database and thus cannot provide copyright clearance.  However, once clearance is obtained from a copyright holder, we can supply copies of the cartoons as digital images suitable for publication.  Charges are £25 plus VAT (if appropriate) per image.   In the first instance you need to contact Special Collections & Archives/the British Cartoon Archive (specialcollections@kent.ac.uk / cartoons@kent.ac.uk) to ensure that we can supply the digital image requested and provide proof of copyright clearance.  Once we confirm that we can supply the specific image, you can pay for the image via this section.

Supply of images


Digital Reproduction (per image fee)

Amount (£)


Special Collections & Archives charge £37.20 per image (£31+VAT)
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Digital Reproduction (hourly rate)



Special Collections & Archives charge an operator hourly rate of £37.20 (£31+VAT) for producing and supplying digital copies of material in our collections.

Please add the number of hours as specified by Special Collections & Archives to the basket.
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