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Administration Fees

Administration Fees


This is an additional cost for apprentices wishing to gain a Degree alongside their Apprenticeship. This administration fee must be paid before commencing the programme and is payable by employer or apprentice. This fee is not payable by Apprenticeship Levy or government co-investment funding. The fee cost is £25 for the Foundation degree (FdSc) and £50 for the Master’s degree (MSc/MBA). 

The administration fee is applicable to the apprenticeships below: 

  • Foundation degree (FdSc) alongside the Level 5 Technician Scientist apprenticeship 
  • Foundation degree (FdSc) alongside the Level 5 Technician Scientist apprenticeship (ATMP) 
  • Master’s degree (MBA) alongside the Level 7 Senior Leader apprenticeship 
  • Master’s degree (MSc) alongside the Senior Leadership in Healthcare apprenticeship 
  • Master’s degree (MSc) alongside the Level 7 Research Scientist Apprenticeship 
  • Master's Degree (MSc) alongside the Level 7 Operational Research Specialist

This cost is non-refundable. Please refer to the Kent Store Terms & Conditions.

The information you provide when registering for and making purchases on the University of Kent Online Store will only be used to handle orders, deliver products and services, process payments and to communicate with you regarding your order.

Queries: gllfinance@kent.ac.uk 

Privacy: Personal data will only be used for the purposes of fulfilling your order. This information will be held on a database by WPM Education (www.wpmeducation.com) on behalf of the University of Kent and will not be disclosed to any third parties without your specific consent.

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Advanced Therapies: R&D to Market



This Online Advanced Therapies module aims to give you an overview of Advanced Therapies and its application in and around the work place.
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