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Digital Reproduction (per image fee)


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Special Collections & Archives charge £37.20 per image (£31+VAT)


Detailed Description

Special Collections & Archives charge £37.20 per image (£31+VAT). You should only use this if you have already contacted Special Collections & Archives/the British Cartoon Archive and provided proof of copyright clearance.

Please note that the image will not be available immediately. We will check our records of copyright clearance and the image will be emailed to you within the next working day.

Purchases through the online store are for non commercial use and private consumers only. Companies/organisations can purchase by contacting The British Cartoon Archive directly at cartoons@kent.ac.uk

Queries: specialcollections@kent.ac.uk 

Privacy Policy: We are committed to protecting your data. No personally identifiable information will be disclosed by Information Services to the University or outside parties, unless required to do so by law, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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