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Philanthropy Stand-Alone Module Payment

Philanthropy Stand-Alone Module Payment


We offer the opportunity to take any of one of our 20 credit or 30 credit modules as a standalone option for short-term study.

Standalone modules

We offer the opportunity to take one of our 20 credit or 30 credit modules as a standalone option for short-term study. This could be a training opportunity, a chance to brush-up on your skills and can contribute towards a qualification at PCert, PDip and MA level.

SOCI8080 - Fundamentals of Philanthropy (30 credits)
SOCI9780 - Global Philanthropy: Comparative Perspectives (30 credits)
SOCI9620 - Advising Donors (20 credits)
SOCI9570 - Volunteering and Society (20 credits)
SOCI9580 - The Art and Science of Fundraising (20 credits)
SOCI8000 - Research Methods for Philanthropic Studies (20 credits)

Please note this payment fee is only for applicants who have applied through Kent Vision and received an offer.

For Admissions information please contact us at lssjadmissions@kent.ac.uk 

To be invoiced for payment, please contact us at lssjfinance@kent.ac.uk.

Privacy Notice: https://www.kent.ac.uk/applicants/policies/privacy-notice 

Philanthropy Stand-Alone Module Payment (20 Credit)


Philanthropy Stand-Alone Module Payment (30 Credit)


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